An enterprise called Bubble Skincare is emerging in the constantly changing skincare market that appeals directly to Gen Z customers. Shai Eisenman, a serial entrepreneur and the company's innovative CEO, founded Bubble with the goal of revolutionizing the beauty industry by addressing the demands and preferences of Gen Z users who are tech-savvy.

Shai Eisenman's entry into the beauty industry was motivated by a strong desire to forge emotional bonds with customers while upholding a firm commitment to science-based skincare. Eisenman identified a clear gap in the market and found that Gen Z customers were left with few easily available skincare options, relying instead on the same drugstore brands that their mothers had been using for years. This insight gave rise to the concept of a more contemporary and forward-thinking skincare line, one that would cater to the specific skincare requirements of Generation Z while putting an emphasis on premium ingredients and accessibility.

The creation of Bubble Skincare resulted from in-depth analysis and discussions with hundreds of Gen Z customers to better understand their unique tastes and demands. When the brand was introduced at the tail end of 2020, Gen Z customers took notice right away because it offered a novel approach to skincare that addressed old-school skincare issues with a new-school perspective.

Bubble skincare